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Selling Manufactured Home Insurance: Explaining Rates

Posted on: July 9, 2015 by Aegis General

For many producers, selling manufactured home insurance can be a challenge. As we mentioned in a blog post earlier this year, these structures present a unique challenge for insurers as they are often more exposed to loss than are brick-and-mortar homes. As such, although manufactured, mobile and modular homes are not as expensive for homeowners […] Read More

Posted in: blog Manufactured Home

Flipping Houses: A Risky Trend or a Wise One? (Part One)

Posted on: June 5, 2015 by Aegis General

The idea of flipping a home is appealing to many; what a great way to turn a quick profit, right? This is enticing to most entrepreneurs, however they don’t always consider the risks involved. For example, most of these investors don’t consider their need for Insurance for Flipped Houses until it’s too late, as many […] Read More

Posted in: blog Specialty homeowner's insurance Specialty Property

Keeping Vacation Homes Safe While Owners Are Away

Posted on: April 10, 2015 by Aegis General

For many Americans, the ability to own a vacation home is a symbol of success and achievement. Whether it’s a small condo in a favorite city, a cabin in the mountains or a bungalow by the sea, vacation properties can be the perfect place for families to unwind and escape from daily life. By nature […] Read More

Posted in: blog Specialty homeowner's insurance Specialty Property

Specialty Dwelling Insurance: Promoting Septic Safety

Posted on: February 26, 2015 by Aegis General

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, it is estimated that at least 15% of the population of the United States is not served by public water systems. Instead, these homes rely on wells and small water systems which are often not designed to federal building standards. For example, homes in rural and older […] Read More

Posted in: blog Specialty homeowner's insurance

What is Specialty Homeowners Insurance Coverage?

Posted on: February 5, 2015 by Aegis General

What is Specialty Homeowners Insurance Coverage?  Not all properties are created equally. In fact, no two properties or owners will have the exact same insurance needs. Each client poses their own unique blend of risk and loss exposures to an insurer, and some clients have more complex needs than others. Standard homeowners insurance policies are […] Read More

Posted in: blog Specialty homeowner's insurance

Does Dwelling Fire Insurance Differ from Home Insurance?

Posted on: January 20, 2015 by Aegis General

Does Dwelling Fire Insurance Differ from Home Insurance?  It is not uncommon for brokers and agents to encounter questions from their clients about the differences in price, coverage inclusions, policy structures and other technical aspects as they search for the best deals on property insurance. When it comes to property insurance, consumers may incorrectly assume […] Read More

Posted in: blog Dwelling Fire