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Does Dwelling Fire Insurance Differ from Home Insurance?

Posted on: January 20, 2015 by Aegis General

Does Dwelling Fire Insurance Differ from Home Insurance? Does Dwelling Fire Insurance Differ from Home Insurance

It is not uncommon for brokers and agents to encounter questions from their clients about the differences in price, coverage inclusions, policy structures and other technical aspects as they search for the best deals on property insurance. When it comes to property insurance, consumers may incorrectly assume that their property is protected from certain exposures because they purchased a policy, when in fact they are not. As such, it is important to be able to explain to your clients exactly what the benefits and shortcomings are pertaining to a specific policy, in order to protect yourself as well as their assets.

Take for example a client in search of affordable property insurance that will protect their assets from a number of basic loss exposures. They may have the option to purchase a standard homeowner’s insurance policy which includes coverage for any perils not specifically named and excluded in the policy. However these policies will typically be more expensive and could potentially be out of a client’s budget. Furthermore, the client may have a previous claim history or other factors which may make some insurance providers weary of insuring them.

One solution is to offer your clients dwelling fire insurance policies which are often far more affordable and easier to qualify for. Dwelling Fire Insurance policies are often useful when insuring older homes and homeowners with prior loss claims, as well as secondary residencies or rental properties.

Dwelling fire coverage offers property owners a variety of options and flexibility to protect their assets, and gives them access to quality coverage against specific named perils.  Contrary to what its name might suggest, dwelling fire insurance coverage is not limited to fire and smoke related damages. Depending on the policy, brokers can secure coverage for not only their clients’ structures, but for the contents of a dwelling as well. Dwelling Fire Insurance policies can be written to reimburse the insured for either the cash value of your home, or for the cost of replacing it in the event of a disaster.

Whether you are looking for property coverage for their primary residences, or rental properties, our dwelling fire insurance policies can be written to meet the specific needs of your client. Aegis General is dedicated to serving and meeting the property and casualty insurance needs of hard-to-place and specialty homeowners markets. To learn more about our operation and offerings, contact us today (866) 662-5752.

Posted in: blog Dwelling Fire