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Minimizing Liabilities in Public Parks and Recreational Spaces

Posted on: December 16, 2015 by Aegis General

Public parks and recreational spaces are prone to a specific set of risk exposures. As people of all ages tend to populate the many activities that these areas offer, there are inherently more liability risks. In order to financially protect city officials from property damage as well as claims of injury, a proper Municipality Insurance Package is recommended. Here are ways to reduce common liability claims.

Level all fields and allow for proper drainage. In addition, baseball fields should be equipped with breakaway bases and ample fencing to separate the players from the spectators.

If the recreational area has a gymnastic space, all the equipment should be regularly monitored. Mats, beams, floor plates and lighting should be checked daily to keep all the gear in top working condition. Instructors and spotters should have plenty of experience and training to coach and guide the gymnasts, as well.

For swimming pools, ropes and bulkheads should be used to divide the shallow and deep ends and water depth signs should be clearly posted along with warnings for no diving, says the City of Miami. All surfaces should also be slip resistant.

Bathrooms for these recreational areas should be cleaned and mopped to avoid slipping liability. Further, locker rooms should be sanitized and locks should be checked for quality.

Next, skateboarders should be limited to designated areas. Their skating should be limited to the ramps and rails in the skate park. Further, homemade ramps should be prohibited as only experienced manufactures with eligible blueprints should be considered. This will limit the liability concerns regarding safety and injuries at the park.

Lastly, dependent on where the park is located, patrons should be warned about adverse weather and its increased risk of their safety. If the area is prone to lightning strikes, proper warnings should be posted about protection and safety steps.

At Aegis General Insurance Agency, we offer specialized insurance programs for the public sector. Our efforts seek to protect their operations against the scope of perils they are exposed to on a daily basis. For more information about our products and services, contact us today at (866) 662-5752.

Posted in: blog Municipality Insurance