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Hurricane Season Calls for Reviewing Insurance Policies

Posted on: June 3, 2016 by Aegis General

Hurricane Season Calls for Reviewing Insurance Policies

The torrential downpours that covered the East Coast last weekend were just the start to the hurricane season. Officially commencing yesterday, hurricane season is in full swing. As homeowners work to secure their homes and possessions from the coming storms and flooding, now is also a great time to review their Homeowners Insurance Policies to secure the proper coverage.

As specialty provisions affect many homeowner’s deductibles in storm-prone areas, these policies should be closely examined. Rather than a standard deductible for covering loss and damage, storm deductibles come into play this time of year.

Some states have separate storm deductibles, which vary from traditional ‘all other peril’ deductibles. Depending on the “trigger” for the storm deductible, different factors could affect the homeowner’s policy. Homeowners should not fret, as these provisions don’t mean that they will not be covered in the event of a hurricane and storm damage. However, homeowners should consult with their insurance professionals and determine what “trigger” is relative to their state and local area, what their policies cover, and what it doesn’t. Further, it may be wise to consider purchasing an additional flood insurance policy to prepare for the coming storms.

At Aegis General Insurance Agency, we are here to assist with any policy questions to ensure clients obtain the best coverage for their homes. We invite you to learn more about our insurance programs by contacting our experts today at (866) 662-5752.

Posted in: blog Homeowners Insurance Program