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Ensuring Earthquake Safety at Home

Posted on: September 22, 2016 by Aegis General

For many homeowners, the threat of an earthquake is an eminent danger. The right Earthquake Insurance Program can provide the peace of mind and financial assistance necessary to recover from a disaster, there are some tips homeowners can try at home to reduce the risk of injury and damage. Therefore, let us explore how to achieve earthquake readiness and safety at home.

Secure the space.

Be mindful of hanging or loose items that could become hazardous in the event of an earthquake. Experts recommend installing latches on kitchen cabinets, move bulky or heavy items to lower shelves, hang mirrors and art on closed hooks, secure top-heavy furniture to studs, and remove any heavy items from above the bed. Remember, simple considerations will go a long way when it comes to safety!

Create a plan.

Having a plan in place reduces chaos and can help a family to recover quickly. Discuss the evacuation or emergency plan with loved ones, keep a fire extinguisher handy, and know where the main electrical outlets/emergency tools are located.

Prepare disaster kits.

Keep an emergency backpack with copies of important documents near the door to grab and go. Further, store emergency food and water supplies in a dry accessible area. Include first aid kit, extra cash, portable radio, extra batteries, medications and other necessary supplies, says Earthquake Country Alliance.

Inspect the home.

Ensure the patio, porch, chimney and foundation are secure enough to handle the impact of an earthquake. If they are starting to show signs of decay or if they are faltering, enlist the help of a professional to get them reinforced immediately.

At Aegis General Insurance Agency, we are one of the few carriers to offer a stand-alone earthquake policy. Our unmatched deductibles and quality coverages have allowed us to serve customers nationwide for over 30 years. For more information, contact us today at (866) 662-5752.

Posted in: blog Earthquake Insurance