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Why is Sports Injury Insurance a Necessity?

Posted on: February 17, 2015 by Aegis General

Why is Sports Injury Insurance a Necessity?According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), nearly 30 million children and adolescents participate in youth sports in the United States each year and more join each year. As youth sports become more competitive, the risk of injuries is growing. Recently sports related injuries in both professional athletes and youth players have been getting more attention in the media and from groups dedicated to improving safety. Increased public scrutiny, media attention and regulatory investigations into sports policies have revealed some startling statistics about injuries among America’s young athletes.

A report recently released by Safe Kids Worldwide, a non-profit advocacy group revealed that 1.24 million children were seen in emergency rooms for sports injuries in 2013, that averaged out to 3,397 each day. Another advocacy group, Stop Sports Injuries, suggests that the number of injured youth athletes is much higher. According to the foundation’s Youth Sports Injury Statistics report, more than 3.5 million kids under age 14 receive medical treatment for sports injuries each year. No sport or athlete is fully immune to the risk of injury however the right safety precautions and injury protocol can help greatly reduce the risk of serious and debilitating injuries.

Sports injuries can be a dangerous liability concern for coaches, team managers and event sponsors. A number of court cases have exposed the legal responsibility involved in conducting physical activity programs for athletes of all ages. Whether it is a school program, a recreation council event, or a program sponsored by another entity, there are always legal responsibilities and liabilities involved in educating and protecting participants, especially when youth are involved.

Coaches, whether professionals hired by an educational institution or volunteer parents coaching for the local recreation council, are expected to provide reasonable instruction and preparation to their players which involved safety training, education and explanation of the risks involved in participating in an activity. Even when the best precautionary measures are taken there is a strong chance that should a player be seriously injured, the injured party or their parents will pursue legal action to recover medical and other expenses.

At Aegis General Insurance Agency, we provide accidental injury coverage for sports teams and special events. Our Sports Injury Insurance coverage is designed to cover injuries to insured coaches, managers, mascots, cheerleaders, scorekeepers, players while they’re participating in a regularly scheduled game or regularly scheduled practice of the policyholder or traveling directly to or from such a game with other members of the team as a group. We invite you to learn more about our Blanket Accident Insurance program and becoming a producer with Aegis General. Contact us today at (866) 662-5752.

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