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Aegis General:
Delivering Specialized Health & Accident Insurance and Supplemental GAP Group Medical

Since 1998, the Aegis Group has offered two unique health insurance products to address the growing concern of liability and spiraling medical costs.

Blanket Accident

In neighborhoods throughout our communities, every day there are dozens of organized sports events taking place. From youth soccer to flag football, softball, basketball, hockey and more, people take to the fields, courts, rinks and rings to compete. Protecting the participants of sporting events should an accident or injury occur is critical to the financial wellbeing of those that organize these games, matches and competitions. Aegis General Insurance Agency offers Blanket Accident insurance for athletic teams and their participants, providing coverage that goes beyond their other insurance policies.

Sports/Activities Covered

  • Baseball
  • Softball
  • T-ball
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Wrestling
  • Football
  • Hockey
  • Cheerleading
  • And many more

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We also offer Blanket Accident insurance coverage for organizers of special events.

Coverage Features

Covers injuries to insured coaches, managers, mascots, cheerleaders, scorekeepers, players while they’re participating in a regularly scheduled game or regularly scheduled practice of the policyholder or traveling directly to or from such a game with other members of the team as a group.

  • Accidental Medical Expense Benefit
  • X-Ray Examination Indemnity Benefit
  • Surgical Operation Indemnity Benefit
  • Daily Hospital Indemnity
  • Hospital Services Expense Indemnity
  • Ambulance Expense Indemnity

Specific amounts and requirements for each of the coverages should be reviewed carefully.

Supplemental GAP Group Medical

With escalating healthcare costs and rising premiums, employers are looking for creative options to help reduce costs while providing employees with the benefits they need. Aegis General Insurance Agency offers a solution designed to help reduce the cost of group medical coverage. Our Supplemental GAP Group Medical coverage, an employer-sponsored group supplemental insurance plan, works in conjunction with certain major medical plans, providing employers with the ability to offer coverages their employees want and can afford while containing costs. This not only helps to retain employees but also can serve to attract quality talent.

How the Supplemental GAP Works

The GAP Plan is simple in that follows an employer’s major medical plan. It pays off the underlying major medical plan Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and it pays directly to the subscriber or provider.

GAP plans may have a supplemental deductible/coinsurance (out of pocket) which must be met prior to plan reimbursement. The GAP Plan pays the benefits described in the Schedule of Benefits up to the maximum benefit amount.

The GAP Plan pays the amount applied to the insured’s major medical deductible and/or coinsurance. It covers the same expenses as the major medical plan with the exception of charges for professional fees in a doctor’s office or medical clinic, outpatient prescription drugs, vision, dental and plan copayments.


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GAP Plan Design Offer Flexibility

The GAP Plan is extremely flexible, allowing each group to choose the plan design and benefit amount to achieve the maximum overall premium savings for their group.

  • Maximum Benefit Amount Options: Any amount from $1,000 to $9,500 per person per policy/calendar year
  • Deductible Options: From $250 to $3,000 (higher deductible available upon request)
  • Co-Insurance Options: 0%, 90/10%, 80/20%, 70/30%, 50/50% from $0 to $10,000 out-of-pocket

Everyone (employees and dependents) enrolled in the group’s major medical plan must be enrolled with the GAP Plan. On the GAP Plan effective date, everyone covered by the group’s major medical plan will be covered by the GAP Plan.

There are no excluded groups, however the minimum group size covered begins at 10 participants.

To learn where we offer our Supplemental GAP Group Medical insurance product, please click here.

Grow your book of business with Aegis General Insurance Agency.

We invite you to learn more about our insurance programs and becoming a producer with Aegis General Insurance Agency. We can help you expand your footprint in the market segments we serve. Contact us at (866) 662-5752 or complete the form on the top of this page.